Demon of the Sea
- CALL OF THE WILD - A color pencil drawing, size 9 x 12, commissioned by Ted Dikty of Starmont House.
This drawing is one of 10 color drawings that I did for Starmont House owner and editor Ted Dikty for use as covers for two series of softcover books he was publishing, "Famous Fantastic Classics," and "Famous Pulp Classics". However he stopped producing both series after only two issues had been published. This is one of the eight color drawings that was not used.
In order to recoup what he paid me for those eight unused color drawings, Mr. Dikty decided to make a Portfolio out of them. He titled the portfolio, "Fabian in Color".
When Dikty phoned to tell me of his decision to stop publishing the two "Famous" series, I was disappointed even though I had been paid for all ten drawings. I had looked forward to seeing the entire series on my bookshelves.
But, the bad news turned to good news when he told me about his plan to publish the unused drawings as a portfolio. Our original contract for the drawings was for book covers, but now that he wanted to use them for a portfolio, a new contract for that purpose needed to be made. And so, I was able to earn more money from artwork that I had already done.
The amazing thing about my life as an illustrator is that over my entire career, my income from doing art assignments for magazines and books actually turned out to be far less than what I earned later on, when all of that artwork began to be reprinted in other media. . And for that greater amount I didn't have to do anything at all, except sign contracts!
"Your ways of being are wondrous and mysterious. They are unique and particular to you." - Maya Angelou
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